
New Year - New Set of Stories

While last year I focused on stories focused on people taking part in the Great Remember, to be inspire to parents and children, and myself in my own journey of rewilding.  This year I am going back to the start, and telling the stories of my own faith, which has been blurred with years of translations and civilization, and taking them back to the old day of telling and retelling around the camp fires. I will not change the content of the stories, though I take names back to the original Hebrew versions as much as possible, and I will include words and meanings that have been lost to us via translations that hid them.  In so doing, I hope to lift the stories back into life for myself and other, and to learn so much more about the stories of faith themselves, by looking into the words and concepts taught. In so doing, I also hope to grow in faith and understanding of Yeshua's way.  I seek to understand how His ways heighten my rewilding journey.  Above all, I ...

Nickolas O'Dan, and Children of the Wildlands

In the days when we were returning to the woods after the Great Remembering, there was a man named Nickolas O'Dan.  He lived in the glen down by the meadow near the edge of the Blackened Forest.  His home was cool gray stone with a living grass roof.  Surrounding it was a grove of holly trees.  Here he lived with his wife, Anna Skadi O'Dan, and their heard of wild elk, which they watch over. When Nick was in the cities, everything was disposable, but now that he was of the woods things were made to last.  He loved children, having been a teacher before they moved to the woods, and upon coming to the woods, he expanded his hobby as a wood carver into his trade, and loved making gifts for others. Winter's cold months were coming, and Nickolas was thinking of how he could make it brighter for the children of the wildlands. As he pondered these things, Anna brought him a broken toy one of the woodland families.  It was a plastic creature, a toy fox, brought...